Stewart Best

Hi – I’m Stewart Best, aka THE LIGHTGATE BLOGGER. Most people know me through my video documentaries, like IRON MOUNTAIN, THE ATLANTIC CHRONICLES, THE AMERICAN BABYLON CONNECTION and many others. I am a researcher into the paranormal and metaphysical areas, ancient texts like The Kolbrin, Enoch, The Bible, Prophecy, government reports and others. I have produced dozens of documentaries. I am the author of many books, E-Books, audio reports and more. I have done lots of radio shows, including the late great Art Bell, TV and am the host of NIGHT SHADOWS RADIO.

My research into ancient texts and modern science has proved to be the most exciting area of research as I have uncovered many secrets that prove you and I are in a FREQUENCY MATRIX. Movies such as “The Matrix” and others are more accurate than humanity realizes.
I was a professional pilot for many years flying as Captain in the latest jet aircraft before I retired. I have personally witnessed UFO activity and know why most professional aviators refuse to report the numerous encounters they have with them. IT IS REAL and there is an ARRIVAL coming soon. It will fool 90% of the world’s population.

You can contact me at or you may write me at Best Video Productions, P.O. Box 55, Downsville, WI 54735